Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 141- Day of Rest

I got my wisdom teeth removed today. I felt fine until all the numbness and anesthesia wore off. Now...not so much.

Day 140- Lights and Shadows

I just love the way this chandelier look against the wall when the sun is going down. The shadows and reflections are so cool.

Day 139- Fountain

I was playing with shutter speed here. It wasn't exactly what I wanted in terms of focus but I like that you can see the rings in the water.

Day 138- Dew

This was a spider web in my front yard covered with dew. It just looked so delicate and pretty.

Day 137- Wishful Thinking

Don't you miss those days when you would find one of these and make a wish and all your worries were just gone? All your faith was in that wish. Its sad to get older.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dy 136- Washed Clean

Today, I was baptized. I've been baptized before, as a baby, but I wanted to be baptized now as an adult as a symbol to myself of a fresh start. I am ready to look at everything differently, try new things, and not have so much fear or worry about what other people think. And I mean that for this project too. If I have a week of flowers, oh well, as long as its a good picture that I feel good about. If all I can take a picture of for a month is Quinn, good! She's only little once. I am looking at this differently now. This project is for me, not anyone else. So here goes!

Day 135- Park Play

We took Quinn to the park today. She had so much fun on the swing and the slides. I love this picture...something about the angle of those bars makes this look like a fisheye lens.

Day 134- Trees in Bloom

Every year, when our weather seems like the same thing day after day, I forget that spring brings the most amazing trees and colors. These purple trees are one of my favorite things in my town in spring.

Day 133- Sitting, Waiting

Waiting for Kylea to get out of school, that is. I have had these shells in my rearview mirror since my very first car.

Day 132- Day in the Sun

These two kiddos are so darn cute. I take them outside everyday and everyday they just stay on this blanket like the grass freaks them out or something...strange.

Day 131- Newborn Hat

The first time I held my daughter, she was wearing this hat. Everything was so overwhelming at that moment, five hours after I gave birth to her, and I still laugh that the first thing I said was, "where did she get this hat?". Turns out seniors volunteer at the hospital and knit hats for the newborns. I love this little hat. It will stay in her room as long as she does.

Day 130- Already Obsessed with the Phone

She's cute...but eh on the picture. Aother day where this was the only one I got.

Day 129- The Beautiful Reason I Am a Mother

Today was my first Mother's Day and Quinn's Dedication Day. I feel so blessed in my life to be able to have this baby and to be able to celebrate these happy occasions together.

Day 128- Happy Hibiscus

These grow in my could I resist. They remind me of that vacation I so desperately need.

Day 127- After Nap Hair

Yeah, she looks like a mix between Donald Trump and Conan O'Brien after a nap.

Day 126- Party Planning this is the only picture I got this day. I was driving around looking for parks to have Quinn's birthday party at. I took this picture because that sign was too far away to read and I am blind. Kinda funny. The next few pictures are not many I am proud of. I need a fresh start...motivation...something.

Day 125- Field of Flowers

When I drive to get Kylea from school I pass the fields and nurseries. I always want to get out and walk and take pictures. Not so easy with two babies in the backseat and a busy highway. This was one of those days where the traffic at the one light was backed up. Only time you will see me praying for traffic.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 124- Yellow Bird

It seems like once we moved up to the top of this hill we live on, we were exposed to all different kinds of wildlife. This adorable yellow bird is one of the things I never saw at our old house. I finally captured him and he's beautiful!

Day 123- Chubby Feet

Quinn always seems to konk out on the couch for naps...just like her Dad. Today she was wearing the cutest little short shorts and I was all of a sudden taken aback by how big and long she is. In a little over a month she will be one. it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that this picture was taken...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 122- Reflections

Eh...nothing special, just a cool pic.

Day 121- Flowers in the Sunset

This was taken from my front door. We have the best view of the sunset from this hill of ours.

Day 120- Back On!

It was January of 2009 that I took my rings off. I was pregnant and just too swollen. It was such a sad day. But now, more than a year later, here they are, back on my finger! It almost gave me a boost of confidence to put them on again.

Day 119- Self Portrait

You don't see me on here very often so I thought I would make an appearance. Plus, the photographer is a pretty important part of the photos, right?

Day 118- Late Afternoon Baby Face

Her eyes almost look white here...seriously, can't get enough of this girl.

Day 117- A Foggy Day in the Country

I love this part of the town we live in. Its totally country. Fruit stands, barns, fields, beautiful!

Day 116- A Bit of Paradise

Just saw this palm tree on the way to get Kylea from just seems so out of place.