Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 206- Library

And we are back to the regular camera!

One of the coolest things about this house is the den with the built in shelves. And the books! There are old encylcopedias, tons of books on flying, amazing old travel books and so much more. There are also all kinds of other neat things like plates from Japan and old globes. I even found a poem book that was given to Mike's Great Grandma from a friend and was signed in 1906. When we first moved in, because of all the extra stuff in this house, we used this room as extra storage. But at the end of this week, my Mom and sister are coming to visit so we had to clean it out to use it as a guest room. And I'm so glad we did. I think this week I will be taking pictures of all the cool stuff I discover in our den.


  1. The phone camera was kind of cool, but I like your regular camera photos better. There's a lot of freedom in a phone camera, but I think with the regular camera you stop and think about each photo...I know I do. It's like the difference between breathing and taking a conscious deep breath.

  2. Love this one! I want a den like that in my next house! I need a wall just for books!
